Do you have a question?
Here are some common questions answered
What is Parking Time?
Parking Time is a free to download app that works as a digital parking disc. You just start parking through the app, and parking attendants can view how long your session has lasted.
How do I use Parking Time?
Download the app and then open it, register with your car's registration number. Use the map, search function, or zone list to find your desired parking location. Once you select your parking zone, you can review any applicable rules, start parking, and then simply close the app.
Is it free?
Yes it is free.
How do I get it in my municipality?
Parking Time is free to download, but can only be used in a municipality that is a registered customer of Parking Time Sweden.
Do I have to leave my phone on the car’s dashboard?
No, you start your parking in the app and take your phone with you. The parking attendant can see in their system that your vehicle is registered.